Austin Gallant Tattoo Artist Logo

Austin Gallant
Tattoo Request

Hello! I'm pleased to see you are filling out a request form. Please fill out this form and submit it to get your tattoo process started. After the form is submitted, I will then contact you to book in a consultation if needed. Responses can take up to one week, your patience is appreciated. I am eager to see your tattoo idea(s) and I look forward to creating something special for you.

Examples: Hand, Upper outside arm, Shoulder, Inside Thigh, Neck. Please be specific.

Your ideas are the best part!

A couple tips:
1.Keep it rough!
2.Be open to creative freedom!
3.Less is more!

To me tattoos are suppose to be a fun and a creative process that the artist and the collector collaborate on. You go to a specific artist because you love how they create and think. Trust that I will take your idea and turn it into a piece of artwork for you to wear!

Reference photos

Please include links to your reference photos below if you have it. These images should give a rough or general idea, but don’t feel too attached to them—my creative process is unique and may differ from other artists.

If a cover-up is involved, please provide a link to a well-lit photo of the tattoo or scar you want covered, including some of the surrounding area. Also, be sure to note how old the tattoo or scar is in the description box.

Once I receive your form, I’ll reach out to request any additional reference photos needed.


I would absoluetly love to take on any and all projects. However, thats not realistic in all inquiries. Some projects are not a good fit for me. If I dont accept your project it's not personal or because I think your idea is bad. In somes cases I would just rather you see a better fit to get the tattoo you deserve.

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